Bureau of Economic Analysis API
Convert BEA API httr response payload to list
Convert BEA API httr response or list payload to data.table
Pass list of user specifications (including API key) to return data fr...
Gives list of parameters possible for a given dataset
Gives list of values possible for a given dataset's parameters
Search a selection of indexed BEA data table names, series labels, and...
Returns a list of all datasets
Download BEA metadata into library/data folder if needed
Visualize BEA API response payload
Provides an R interface for the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) API (see <http://www.bea.gov/API/bea_web_service_api_user_guide.htm> for more information) that serves two core purposes - 1. To Extract/Transform/Load data [beaGet()] from the BEA API as R-friendly formats in the user's work space [transformation done by default in beaGet() can be modified using optional parameters; see, too, bea2List(), bea2Tab()]. 2. To enable the search of descriptive meta data [beaSearch()]. Other features of the library exist mainly as intermediate methods or are in early stages of development. Important Note - You must have an API key to use this library. Register for a key at <http://www.bea.gov/API/signup/index.cfm> .