dbList function

Construct Bernstein polynomial basises of degree up to kmax on omega

Construct Bernstein polynomial basises of degree up to kmax on omega

dbList(n, kmax, bernstein_l = 0, bernstein_r = 1, coarsened = F, verbose = F)


  • n: positive integer determining the number of the (equidistant) evaluation points in [0,1]
  • kmax: positive integer for the largest degree
  • bernstein_l, bernstein_r: left and right truncation
  • coarsened: bool flag indicating whether coarsened or standard Bernstein polynomials are used
  • verbose: debugging parameter


A list of length kmax, where the k-th list element is a matrix containing the polynomial basis of degree k

  • Maintainer: Renate Meyer
  • License: GPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2024-11-25

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