local_moving_FT_zigzag function

Calculate the moving Fourier transform ordinates

Calculate the moving Fourier transform ordinates

local_moving_FT_zigzag(x, m, thinning_factor)


  • x: A numeric vector containing time series.
  • m: A positive integer indicating the size of window.
  • thinning_factor: Selected from "1, 2, 3".


A list containing the moving Fourier transform and corresponding time grid.


set.seed(1); x <- rnorm(1500) local_moving_FT_zigzag(x, 50, 1)


Y. Tang et al. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric spectral analysis of locally stationary processes

ArXiv preprint arXiv:2303.11561

  • Maintainer: Renate Meyer
  • License: GPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2024-11-25

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