plot.gibbs_psd function

Plot method for gibbs_psd class

Plot method for gibbs_psd class

## S3 method for class 'gibbs_psd' plot(x, pdgrm = T, credib = "both", log = T, ...)


  • x: an object of class gibbs_psd
  • pdgrm: bool flag indicating whether periodogram is visualized or not
  • credib: string indicating which credible regions are visualized. Possible values are "pointwise", "uniform", "both" and "none".
  • log: logical value to determine if the individual spectra are visualized on a log scale
  • ...: further arguments to be parsed to plot.default


Visualizes the spectral density estimate (pointwise posterior median), along with the periodogram and credibility regions. If the data has missing values, the periodogram is computed with a linearly interpolated version of the data using na.interp .

  • Maintainer: Renate Meyer
  • License: GPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2024-11-25

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