Biomarker Threshold Models
An R package for the biomarker threshold models
Fitting Biomarker Threshold Models
Fitting Biomarker Continuous Threshold Models
Auxiliary function for bhm fitting
Penalized likelihood ratio test for the generalized linear models.
Fit an L-shape linear model
Joint models for clustered data with binary and survival outcomes.
The Piecewise Exponential Distribution
Probability Index for Survival Time Difference
Auxiliary function for pIndex fitting
Plot a fitted biomarker threhold model
print a fitted object or a summary of fitted object
Rresidual Bootstrap Test (RBT) for treatment-biomarker interaction
Fitting Restricted Mean Survival Time Models with a Continuous Biomark...
Contains tools to fit both predictive and prognostic biomarker effects using biomarker threshold models and continuous threshold models. Evaluate the treatment effect, biomarker effect and treatment-biomarker interaction using probability index measurement. Test for treatment-biomarker interaction using residual bootstrap method.