Read, Write, Manipulate, Explore Chess PGN Files and R API to UCI Chess Engines
Analyze game
Analyze position
Browse ECO opening
Browse opening
Extract first N moves
Movetext conversion from LAN to SAN
Compute number of moves
Compute player profile
Plot tree for a given tree ECO table
Plot tree for a given tree move table
Reads PGN files into database table
Reads PGN files into ff data frame
Reads PGN files into data frame
Movetext conversion from SAN to LAN
Extract statistics of moves
Compute ECO tree
Compute tree for a given move
Sending command to chess engine
Sending command debug for chess engine
Create an engine handler in R
Sending command go for chess engine
Checking if chess engine is ready
Parse GUI commands from chess engine
Sending command ponderhit for chess engine
Sending command position for chess engine
Sending quit command to chess engine
Read current stdout from chess engine
Sending command register for chess engine
Sending command setoption for chess engine
Sending command stop for chess engine
Sending command uci for chess engine
Sending command ucinewgame for chess engine
Write PGN data.frames into file
Provides functions for reading *.PGN files with more than one game, including large files without copying it into RAM (using 'ff' package or 'RSQLite' package). Handle chess data and chess aggregated data, count figure moves statistics, create player profile, plot winning chances, browse openings. Set of functions of R API to communicate with UCI-protocol based chess engines.