api-dataset function

BigQuery datasets

BigQuery datasets

Basic create-read-update-delete verbs for datasets.

bq_dataset_create(x, location = "US", ...) bq_dataset_meta(x, fields = NULL) bq_dataset_exists(x) bq_dataset_update(x, ...) bq_dataset_delete(x, delete_contents = FALSE) bq_dataset_tables(x, page_size = 50, max_pages = Inf, warn = TRUE, ...)


  • x: A bq_dataset
  • location: Dataset location
  • ...: Additional arguments passed on to the underlying API call. snake_case names are automatically converted to camelCase.
  • fields: An optional field specification for partial response
  • delete_contents: If TRUE, will recursively delete all tables in the dataset. Set to FALSE by default for safety.
  • page_size: Number of items per page.
  • max_pages: Maximum number of pages to retrieve. Use Inf to retrieve all pages (this may take a long time!)
  • warn: If TRUE, warn when there are unretrieved pages.

Google BigQuery API documentation


ds <- bq_dataset(bq_test_project(), "dataset_api") bq_dataset_exists(ds) bq_dataset_create(ds) bq_dataset_exists(ds) str(bq_dataset_meta(ds)) bq_dataset_delete(ds) bq_dataset_exists(ds) # Use bq_test_dataset() to create a temporary dataset that will # be automatically deleted ds <- bq_test_dataset() bq_table_create(bq_table(ds, "x1")) bq_table_create(bq_table(ds, "x2")) bq_table_create(bq_table(ds, "x3")) bq_dataset_tables(ds)
  • Maintainer: Hadley Wickham
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2024-03-14