Defined from the Cartesian coordinates of four successive atoms (A-B-C-D) the torsion or dihedral angle is calculated about an axis defined by the middle pair of atoms (B-C)., =4)
xyz: a numeric vector of Cartisean coordinates. a numeric value indicating the number of atoms to increment by between successive torsion evaluations (see below).
The conformation of a polypeptide or nucleotide chain can be usefully described in terms of angles of internal rotation around its constituent bonds.
If a system of four atoms A-B-C-D is projected onto a plane normal to bond B-C, the angle between the projection of A-B and the projection of C-D is described as the torsion angle of A and D about bond B-C.
By convention angles are measured in the range -180 to +180, rather than from 0 to 360, with positive values defined to be in the clockwise direction.
With, torsion angles are calculated for each set of four successive atoms contained in xyz (i.e. moving along one atom, or three elements of xyz, between sucessive evaluations). With, torsion angles are calculated for each set of four successive non-overlapping atoms contained in xyz (i.e. moving along four atoms, or twelve elements of xyz, between sucessive evaluations).
A numeric vector of torsion angles.
Grant, B.J. et al. (2006) Bioinformatics 22 , 2695--2696.