Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections
Coercing to bit
Coercing to bitwhich
Coerce to booltype (generic)
Coerce bit to character
Coerce bitwhich to character
Coerce to ri
Coercion to (positive) integer positions
Balanced Batch sizes
bit %in%
Initializing bit masks
bit range difference
bit set operations
bit sort unique
bit sort
bit unique and duplicated
bit: Classes and methods for fast memory-efficient boolean selections
Create empty bit vector
Low-level sorting: bit sort
Diagnose representation of bitwhich
Create bitwhich vector (skewed boolean)
Diagnosing boolean types
Boolean types
Concatenating booltype vectors
Methods for chunked range index
Function for chunked range index
Cloning ff and ram objects
Coercion from bit, bitwhich, which and ri to logical, integer, double
Copy atomic R vector
Low-level sorting: counting sort
Extract or replace part of an boolean vector
Position of first NA
Get C length of a vector
Attribute setting by reference
Check existence of integers in table
Hybrid Index, C-coded utilities
Testing for boolean types
Test for NA in bit and bitwhich
Getting and setting length of bit, bitwhich and ri objects
Get maxindex (length of boolean vector) and poslength (number of 'sele...
Fast functions for sorted sets of integer
Generics related to cache access
Physical and virtual attributes
Print method for bit
Print method for bitwhich
Low-level sorting: binary quicksort
Low-level sorting: threeway quicksort
Get range and number of NAs
Remove zeros and get range and number of NAs
Prepare for sorting and get range, number of NAs and unsortedness
Replicating bit and bitwhich vectors
Adaptive timer
Virtual recycling
Reversing bit and bitwhich vectors
Reverse atomic vector
Range index
Hybrid Index, rle-pack utilities
Generics for in-RAM sorting and ordering
Test for C-level identity of two atomic vectors
Str method for bit
Str method for bitwhich
Summaries of boolean vectors
Symmetric set complement
Attribute removal
Vectorized Sequences
Boolean operators and functions
Provided are classes for boolean and skewed boolean vectors, fast boolean methods, fast unique and non-unique integer sorting, fast set operations on sorted and unsorted sets of integers, and foundations for ff (range index, compression, chunked processing).