Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown
The blogdown
Build all Rmd files under a directory
Build a website
Convert post files to leaf bundles
Provide diagnostics for a website project
Clean duplicated output files
Create the configuration (file) for Netlify
Create or modify the .Rprofile file for a website project
Create the configuration file for Vercel
A helper function to return a dependency path name
Open a list of draft posts
Look for files that have been possibly modified or out-of-date
Find or remove the Hugo executable
Find posts containing the specified metadata
An R Markdown output format for blogdown
web pages
Run Hugo commands
Available Hugo installers of a version
Install Hugo
Install a Hugo theme from Github
Read and write TOML data (Tom's Obvious Markup Language)
Live preview a site
Helper functions to write Hugo shortcodes using the R syntax
Write blog posts and web pages in R Markdown. This package supports the static site generator 'Hugo' (<>) best, and it also supports 'Jekyll' (<>) and 'Hexo' (<>).
Useful links