my_rosh function

Internal function for a specific application

Internal function for a specific application

Creates a dummy moving holiday variable for the weekly number of initial registrations at the Employment Service in Israel.

my_rosh(dates, holiday.dates, start = -11, end = 12)


  • dates: a vector of class "Date", containing the data dates
  • holiday.dates: a vector of class "Date", containing the occurrences of the holiday. It can be generated with as.Date().
  • start: -11 for rosh, 3 for pesach
  • end: 12 for rosh, -1 for pesach


rosh holiday variable


# Creating moving holiday dummy variable for Israeli Rosh Hashanah data( data(holiday_dates_il) # dates of Israeli Rosh Hashanah and Pesach movehol=my_rosh($date,holiday.dates = holiday_dates_il$rosh)
  • Maintainer: Tim Ginker
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-02-05