Bayesian State-Space Models for Animal Movement
Deprecated functions.
Fit Bayesian state-space models to animal tracking data
Correlated Random Walk Filter
Plot standard McMC convergence diagnostics to help determine lack of m...
Fit Bayesian state-space models to animal movement data
Extract summary output and optionally export as a .csv file.
Fits hierarchical state-space models to Argos data
Plot estimated track, behavioural states and observations on a map.
Plot the 1-D time-series of estimated location and behavioural states
Simulate from the DCRW model with Argos location errors
Fits state-space models to Argos data
ARGOS Error Fixed Parameters
Tools to fit Bayesian state-space models to animal tracking data. Models are provided for location filtering, location filtering and behavioural state estimation, and their hierarchical versions. The models are primarily intended for fitting to ARGOS satellite tracking data but options exist to fit to other tracking data types. For Global Positioning System data, consider the 'moveHMM' package. Simplified Markov Chain Monte Carlo convergence diagnostic plotting is provided but users are encouraged to explore tools available in packages such as 'coda' and 'boa'.