plot.bvarlist function

Plotting Posterior Draws of Bayesian VAR or VEC Models

Plotting Posterior Draws of Bayesian VAR or VEC Models

A plot function for objects of class "bvarlist".

## S3 method for class 'bvarlist' plot(x, ci = 0.95, type = "hist", model = NULL, ...)


  • x: an object of class "bvarlist", usually, a result of a call to draw_posterior.
  • ci: interval used to calculate credible bands for time-varying parameters.
  • type: either "hist" (default) for histograms, "trace" for a trace plot, or "boxplot" for a boxplot. Only used for parameter draws of constant coefficients.
  • model: numeric or integer indicating for which models in argument "x" plots should be produced.
  • ...: further graphical parameters.
  • Maintainer: Franz X. Mohr
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-01-08