ssvs employs stochastic search variable selection as proposed by George et al. (2008) to produce a draw of the precision matrix of the coefficients in a VAR model.
ssvs(a, tau0, tau1, prob_prior, include =NULL)
a: an M-dimensional vector of coefficient draws.
tau0: an M-dimensional vector of prior standard deviations for restricted coefficients in vector a.
tau1: an M-dimensional vector of prior standard deviations for unrestricted coefficients in vector a.
prob_prior: an M-dimensional vector of prior inclusion probabilites for the coefficients in vector a.
include: an integer vector specifying the positions of coefficients in vector a, which should be included in the SSVS algorithm. If NULL (default), SSVS will be applied to all coefficients.
A named list containing two components: - v_i: an M×M inverse prior covariance matrix.
lambda: an M-dimensional vector of inclusion parameters.
The function employs stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) as proposed by George et al. (2008) to produce a draw of the diagonal inverse prior covariance matrix V−1 and the corresponding vector of inclusion parameters λ
of the vectorised coefficient matrix a=vec(A) for the VAR model
where yt is a K-dimensional vector of endogenous variables, xt is a vector of explanatory variabes and the error term is ut∼Σ.
# Load datadata("e1")data <- diff(log(e1))# Generate model datatemp <- gen_var(data, p =2, deterministic ="const")y <- t(temp$data$Y)x <- t(temp$data$Z)k <- nrow(y)tt <- ncol(y)m <- k * nrow(x)# Obtain SSVS priors using the semiautomatic approachpriors <- ssvs_prior(temp, semiautomatic = c(0.1,10))tau0 <- priors$tau0
tau1 <- priors$tau1
# Prior for inclusion parameterprob_prior <- matrix(0.5, m)# Priorsa_mu_prior <- matrix(0, m)a_v_i_prior <- diag(c(tau1^2), m)# Initial value of Sigmasigma_i <- solve(tcrossprod(y)/ tt)# Draw parametersa <- post_normal(y = y, x = x, sigma_i = sigma_i, a_prior = a_mu_prior, v_i_prior = a_v_i_prior)# Run SSVSlambda <- ssvs(a = a, tau0 = tau0, tau1 = tau1, prob_prior = prob_prior)
George, E. I., Sun, D., & Ni, S. (2008). Bayesian stochastic search for VAR model restrictions. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 553--580. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.jeconom.2007.08.017")