Automatic Calibration by Evolutionary Multi Objective Algorithm
Box numbering for each points individual of the population
Determination of directions for improvement
Successive Pareto fronts of a population
Rows domination of a matrix by a vector
Downsizing of a population to only one individual per box up to a give...
Calculation of the variances-covariances matrix on the reference popul...
caRamel optimizer
MAIN FUNCTION: multi-objective optimizer
Extrapolation along orthogonal directions to the Pareto front in the s...
Interpolation in simplexes of the objective space
Recombination of the sets of parameters
New parameter vectors generation respecting a covariance structure
Decreasing of the population of parameters sets
Generation of a new population of parameter sets following the five ru...
Indicates which rows are Pareto
Plotting of caRamel results
Plotting of a population of objectives and Pareto front
Plotting of a population of objectives
Selection of n points
Converting the values of a vector into their rank
Volume of a simplex
The caRamel optimizer has been developed to meet the requirement for an automatic calibration procedure that delivers a family of parameter sets that are optimal with regard to a multi-objective target (Monteil et al. <doi:10.5194/hess-24-3189-2020>).