createObjectiveFunction-defunct function

Create an objective function to be used with optimization routines

Create an objective function to be used with optimization routines

Create a new function, to be used as the objective function in the calibration, given a function to run the model within R, observed data and information about the comparison with data.


  • runModel: Function to run the model and produce a list of outputs.
  • info: A data.frame with the information about the calibration, normally created with the getCalibrationInfo function. See details.
  • observed: A list of the observed variables created with the function getObservedData
  • aggFn: A function to aggregate fn to a scalar value if the returned value is a vector. Some optimization algorithm can explote the additional information provided by a vectorial output from fn
  • aggregate: boolean, if TRUE, a scalar value is returned using the aggFn.
  • ...: More arguments passed to the runModel function.


A function, integrating the simulation of the model and the comparison with observed data.

See Also



Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos

  • Maintainer: Ricardo Oliveros-Ramos
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2024-02-14