Comparative Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution in R
Anova and AIC tables for 'pgls' models.
Datasets used for benchmarking caper
Comparative analysis using the brunch algorithm.
The 'caic' S3 object class and methods
Anova and model checking methods for independent contrast models.
Diagnostic tools for independent contrasts models
Comparative analysis of phylogenetics and evolution in R (caper)
Create a clade matrix from a phylogeny
Identify tips descended from a node
Comparative dataset creation
Comparative analysis using the crunch algorithm.
Imbalance statistics using Fusco and Cronk's method.
Tree simulation with traits.
Comparative analysis using independent contrasts on species richness d...
Calculate and bootstrap phylogenetic diversity measurements.
Example dataset for the CAIC package
Generic model methods for 'pgls' models.
Likelihood profiles and confidence intervals for 'pgls' models.
Phylogenetic generalized linear models
Calculates the phylogenetic D statistic
Calculates the phylogenetic D statistic across clades within a phyloge...
Diagnostic plots for 'pgls' models.
Summarize a crunch, brunch or macrocaic analysis
Create a 2D or 3D variance-covariance matrix from a phylogeny
Functions for performing phylogenetic comparative analyses.