Client for the Captricity API
Price of a Batch
captr: R Client for the Capticrity API
Check if authentication information is there
Create Batch
Delete a Batch
Delete a Job
Get All the Data For a Particular Job in a csv
Get Details of a particular batch
Get Instance Set
Set Template ID
List all the files in a batch
List Batches
List Documents
List Instance Sets
List Jobs
Assign Template ID to a Batch
Sets Application Token
Submit the Batch for Processing
Test Readiness of a Batch
Track Progress of a Job
Upload Image
User Profile
Get text from images of text using Captricity Optical Character Recognition (OCR) API. Captricity allows you to get text from handwritten forms --- think surveys --- and other structured paper documents. And it can output data in form a delimited file keeping field information intact. For more information, read <>.