coef.summary.censReg function

Coefficients of Censored Regression Models and their Statistical Properties

Coefficients of Censored Regression Models and their Statistical Properties

This function returns the estimated coefficients of censored regression models as well as their standard errors, z-values, and P-values.

## S3 method for class 'summary.censReg' coef( object, logSigma = TRUE, ... )


  • object: object of class "summary.censReg"

    (returned by summary.censReg).

  • logSigma: logical value indicating whether the variance(s) of the model should be returned logarithmized.

  • ...: currently not used.


coef.summary.censReg returns an matrix, where each row corresponds to one coefficient and the 4 rows contain the estimated coefficients, their standard errors, z-values, and P-values.


Arne Henningsen

See Also

censReg, summary.censReg and coef.censReg


## Kleiber & Zeileis ( 2008 ), page 142 data( "Affairs", package = "AER" ) estResult <- censReg( affairs ~ age + yearsmarried + religiousness + occupation + rating, data = Affairs ) coef( summary( estResult ) )
  • Maintainer: Arne Henningsen
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2024-05-20