Clustering and Link Prediction Evaluation in R
Accuracy of Linked Pairs
Adjusted Rand Index Between Clusterings
Balanced Accuracy of Linked Pairs
Canonicalize element pairs
clevr: Clustering and Link Prediction Evaluation in R
Transform Clustering Representations
Completeness Between Clusterings
Contingency Table for Clusterings
Binary Contingency Table for Linked Pairs
Evaluation Report for Clustering
Evaluation Report for Linked Pairs
F-measure of Linked Pairs
Fowlkes-Mallows Index Between Clusterings
Fowlkes-Mallows Index of Linked Pairs
Homogeneity Between Clusterings
Mutual Information Between Clusterings
Precision of Linked Pairs
Rand Index Between Clusterings
Recall of Linked Pairs
Specificity of Linked Pairs
V-measure Between Clusterings
Variation of Information Between Clusterings
Tools for evaluating link prediction and clustering algorithms with respect to ground truth. Includes efficient implementations of common performance measures such as pairwise precision/recall, cluster homogeneity/completeness, variation of information, Rand index etc.