Easily Download and Visualise Climate Data from CliFlo
Store curl options for use within clifro
Search for Clifro Stations
Retrieve Last Query Result from CliFlo
Retrieve Data from the National Climate Database
Save Clifro Station Information to a KML File
The Clifro Datatype Object
The Clifro Station Object
The Clifro User Object
From CliFlo to clifro
: Enhancing The National Climate Database With
Arithmetic Operators for Clifro Objects
Dimension Attributes of a Clifro Object
Subsetting Methods for Clifro Objects
Plot Earth Temperatures
Plot Mean Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
Plot Rain Time series
Plot Screen Observations
Plot Sunshine Hours
Plot Temperature Range
Plot Clifro Wind Objects
Default Clifro Plotting
Summarise User Information
Summarise Clifro Wind Data
Validation Functions For The cfUser
Plot a windrose
CliFlo is a web portal to the New Zealand National Climate Database and provides public access (via subscription) to around 6,500 various climate stations (see <https://cliflo.niwa.co.nz/> for more information). Collating and manipulating data from CliFlo (hence clifro) and importing into R for further analysis, exploration and visualisation is now straightforward and coherent. The user is required to have an internet connection, and a current CliFlo subscription (free) if data from stations, other than the public Reefton electronic weather station, is sought.
Useful links