A Toolbox for Clinical Significance Analyses in Intervention Studies
Extract Augmented Data from a cs_analysis Object
Anchor Calculations for Group Effect Between
Anchor Calculations for Group Effect Within
Anchor Calculations for Individual Results
Generic to Calculate Anchor-Based Results
Calculate cs_indiv
Calculate the categories based on the cutoff
Generic for Statistical Approach
Calculate Change for the Percentage-Change Approach
RCI for the Edwards method
RCI for the Gulliksen, Lord & Novick method
RCI for the Hageman & Arrindell
RCI for the Hsu, Lin & Lord method
Calc RCI for the HLM method
RCI for the Jacobson & Truax method
RCI for the NK method
Generic to Calculate RCI and Associated Change
Create Summary Table for Anchor-Based Approach
Create Summary Table for Combined Approach
Create Summary Table for Distribution-Based Approach
Create Summary Table for Percentage-Change Approach
Create Summary Table for Statistical Approach
Generic For Creating Summary Tables
Anchor-Based Analysis of Clinical Significance
Combined Analysis of Clinical Significance
Distribution-Based Analysis of Clinical Significance
Get Descriptives Used In The Cutoff Calculation
Get Used Cutoff And Type From A cs_analysis Object
Get Data From A cs_analysis Object
Get The HLM Model From A cs_analysis Object
Get Number Of Participants From A cs_analysis Object
Get Reliability Of A cs_analysis Object
Percentage-Change Analysis of Clinical Significance
Statistical Analysis of Clinical Significance
Generate RCI Band for the Individual Anchor-Based Approach
Generate RCI Band for EN Method
Generate RCI Band for GLN Method
Generate RCI Band for HA Method
Generate RCI Band for HLL Method
Generate RCI Band for JT Method
Generate RCI Band for NK Method
Generate RCI Band for the Percentage-Change Approach
Generic to Calculate RCI Band Data for Plotting
Plot an Object of Class cs_anchor_group_between
Plot an Object of Class cs_anchor_group_within
Plot an Object of Class cs_anchor_individual_within
Plot an Object of Class cs_combined
Plot an Object of Class cs_distribution
Plot an Object of Class cs_percentage
Plot an Object of Class cs_statistical
Print Method for the Anchor-Based Approach for Groups (Between)
Print Method for the Anchor-Based Approach for Groups (Within)
Print Method for the Anchor-Based Approach for Individuals
Print Method for the Combined Approach
Print Method for the Distribution-Based Approach
Print Method for the Percentange-Change Approach
Print Method for the Statistical Approach
Get A Summary Table From A cs_analysis Object
Summary Method for the Anchor-Based Approach for Groups (Between)
Summary Method for the Anchor-Based Approach for Groups (Within)
Summary Method for the Anchor-Based Approach
Summary Method for the Combined Approach
Summary Method for the Distribution-Based Approach
Summary Method for the Percentage-Change Approach
Summary Method for the Statistical Approach
A clinical significance analysis can be used to determine if an intervention has a meaningful or practical effect for patients. You provide a tidy data set plus a few more metrics and this package will take care of it to make your results publication ready. Accompanying package to Claus et al. <doi:10.18637/jss.v111.i01>.
Useful links