Co-Correspondence Analysis Methods
Biplots of co-correspondence analysis models
Fit Co-Correspondence Analysis Ordination Models
Internal cocorresp Functions
Co-correspondence analysis ordination methods for community ecology
Co-inertia analysis
Coinertia analysis with identity matrices
Correlation between ordination axes
Cross-validation for predictive Co-Correspondence Analysis models
Fit an environmental vector or factor to a Co-CA ordination
Co-inertia analysis
Fitted values of a Symmetric Co-Correpsondence analysis model.
CoCA species loadings
Standardised chi-square residuals
Permutation test for predictive co-correspondence analysis models
Biplots for predictive co-correspondence analysis
Plots for symmetric co-correspondence analysis
Add points to a Co-CA plot
Rescales CoCA species scores
Extract Model Residuals
Standardised chi-square residuals
Get Species or Site Scores from an Ordination
Screeplot for symmetric co-correspondence analysis
Modified version of Sijmen de Jong's SIMPLS
Summarizing Co-CA Model Fits
Exctract CoCA model weights
Fits predictive and symmetric co-correspondence analysis (CoCA) models to relate one data matrix to another data matrix. More specifically, CoCA maximises the weighted covariance between the weighted averaged species scores of one community and the weighted averaged species scores of another community. CoCA attempts to find patterns that are common to both communities.
Useful links