bootstrap function

Bootstrap se and CI for alpha and omega

Bootstrap se and CI for alpha and omega

Bootstrap se and CI for alpha and omega.

bootstrap(y, type="omega", alpha=.95, nboot=1000, ci="bc", plot=FALSE, varphi=0, complete=FALSE, auxiliary=NULL, silent=FALSE)


  • y: Data
  • type: omega: coefficient omega. Otherwise, coefficient alpha.
  • alpha: Confidence level.
  • nboot: Number of bootstrap samples to use
  • ci: bc: Bias-corrected CI. Otherwise, the percentile CI is used.
  • plot: Whether to plot the bootstrap density.
  • varphi: Downweight rate
  • complete: Calculate alpha/omega only based on complete data (listwise deletion)
  • auxiliary: Provide a matrix or data frame of auxiliary variables for missing data analysis.
  • silent: Whether to print information of the analysis.


Zhiyong Zhang and Ke-Hai Yuan


Zhang, Z. & Yuan, K.-H. (2014). Robust Coefficients Alpha and Omega and their Confidence Intervals: Methods and Software.


data(example) boot.test<-bootstrap(example, type='alpha', nboot=10, plot=TRUE)
  • Maintainer: Zhiyong Zhang
  • License: GPL
  • Last published: 2023-08-27

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