colocalized0.2.0 package

Clusters of Colocalized Sequences

Also abbreviates to "CCSeq". Finds clusters of colocalized sequences in .bed annotation files up to a specified cut-off distance. Two sequences are colocalized if they are within the cut-off distance of each other, and clusters are sets of sequences where each sequence is colocalized to at least one other sequence in the cluster. For a set of .bed annotation tables provided in a list along with a cut-off distance, the program will output a file containing the locations of each cluster. Annotated .bed files are from the 'pwmscan' application at <>. Personal machines might crash or take excessively long depending on the number of annotated sequences in each file and whether chromsearch() or gensearch() is used.

  • Maintainer: Stefan Golas
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2019-10-18