loc: a vector of the form c(x1,x2,y1,y2) giving the drawing rectangle for the subplot in coordinates as in par("usr"). I.e. if the plot is logrithmic the base 10 logarithm is to be used:
x1: left boundary of drawing rectangle
y1: lower boundary of drawing rectangle
x2: right boundary of drawing rectangle
y2: upper boundary of drawing rectangle
portions: The portions of different missing categories
labels: The labels for the categories.
col: The colors to plot the different categories.
...: further graphical parameters passed to text
border: The color to draw the borders of the rectangles.
vertical: Should a horizontal or a vertical plot be produced. If NULL the choice is done automatically according to the size of the recangle provided.
xpd: extended plot region. See par("xpd").
This function is typically not called directly,however it could in principle be used to add to plots. The user will modify the function call only to modify the appearance of the missing plot.
The labels are only plotted for nonzero portions. In this way it is always possible to realize the presence of a given missing type, even if it is a too small portion to be actually displayed. In case of overplotting of different labels a further investigation using missingSummary should be used.