add_epi_rates function

Adding incidence, mortality and lethality rates to the downloaded data

Adding incidence, mortality and lethality rates to the downloaded data

This function adds the incidence, mortality and lethality rates to a given data set downloaded by the covid19br::downloadCovid19() function.

add_epi_rates(data, ...)


  • data: a data set downloaded using the covid19br::downloadCovid19() function.
  • ...: further arguments passed to other methods.


the data set with the added incidence, mortality and lethality rates.


The function add_epi_rates() was designed to work with the original names of the variables accumDeaths, accummCases and pop available in the data set downloaded by the covid19br::downloadCovid19(). For this reason, this function must be used before any change in such variable names.


library(covid19br) library(dplyr) brazil <- downloadCovid19(level = "brazil") brazil <- add_epi_rates(brazil) glimpse(brazil)


Fabio N. Demarqui

  • Maintainer: Fabio Demarqui
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-10-15