Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression
Extract Model Coefficients for Objects of Class coxphw
Compute Generalized Concordance Probabilities for Objects of Class `co...
Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression
Ancillary arguments for controlling coxphw fits
Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression
Provides Fractional Polynomials as Accessible Function
Plot the Relative or Log Relative Hazard Versus Values of a Continuous...
Plot Weights of Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression
Predictions for a weighted Cox model
Print Method for Objects of Class predict.coxphw
Print Method for Objects of Class coxphw
Pretransformation function
Summary Method for Objects of Class coxphw
Obtain the Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object of Cla...
Wald-Test for Model Coefficients
Implements weighted estimation in Cox regression as proposed by Schemper, Wakounig and Heinze (Statistics in Medicine, 2009, <doi:10.1002/sim.3623>) and as described in Dunkler, Ploner, Schemper and Heinze (Journal of Statistical Software, 2018, <doi:10.18637/jss.v084.i02>). Weighted Cox regression provides unbiased average hazard ratio estimates also in case of non-proportional hazards. Approximated generalized concordance probability an effect size measure for clear-cut decisions can be obtained. The package provides options to estimate time-dependent effects conveniently by including interactions of covariates with arbitrary functions of time, with or without making use of the weighting option.