Crop Growing Degree Days and Agrometeorological Calculations
Cropgrowdays: Agrometeorological calculations for crops
Sum of a weather variable between between two dates
Mean of daily weather variable values between two dates
Calculate a date from the day of the year and the year
The day of harvest in the year of sowing
Calculate day of year from a date
Retrieve SILO data for multiple sites from Qld DES longpaddock website
Retrieve weather data from Queensland Government DES longpaddock websi...
Degree days as the sum of capped average daily temperature above a bas...
The number of days between two dates
The number of days that maximum temp is over a baseline value
Extract one or more columns of weather data between two dates
Calculate agrometeorological variables for crops including growing degree days (McMaster, GS & Wilhelm, WW (1997) <doi:10.1016/S0168-1923(97)00027-0>), cumulative rainfall, number of stress days and cumulative or mean radiation and evaporation. Convert dates to day of year and vice versa. Also, download curated and interpolated Australian weather data from the Queensland Government DES longpaddock website <>. This data is freely available under the Creative Commons 4.0 licence.
Useful links