Correlated Trait Locus Mapping
Create quality control plots.
Internal CTL functions
CTL - CTL mapping in experimental crosses
Circleplot CTL on multiple traits
CTLhelper - Helper functions for CTL mapping
Plot histogram of CTL permutations
Plot genome-wide CTL on multiple traits
Lineplot CTL on multiple traits
ctl.load - Load CTLs calculated by the D2.0 version
CTLmapping - Scan for correlated trait loci (CTL)
CTLnetwork - Interaction network from a genome-wide CTLscan of multipl...
Differential correlation versus likelihood plotted in curves
Plot CTL curves or heatmaps
Plot CTL results as bar, line or GWAS plot.
Print the results of a CTL genome scan
Print the results of a single phenotype CTL scan
CTLprofiles - Extract CTL interaction profiles
CTLregions - Get all significant interactions from a genome-wide CTLsc...
CTLscan.cross - Scan for Correlated Trait Locus (CTL) (R/qtl cross obj...
CTLscan - Scan for Correlated Trait Locus (CTL)
CTLsignificant - Get all significant interactions from a genome-wide C...
detect.peaks - Peak detection algorithm to 'flatten' data above a cert...
plotTraits - Trait vs Trait scatterplot, colored by the selected genet...
Plot a QTL heatmap of the phenotypes scanned by CTLscan
QTLmapping - QTL mapping method for CTL analysis
scanSD.cross - Analyze the differences in standard deviation between t...
scanSD - Analyze the differences in Standard Deviation between genotyp...
scanSlopes.cross - Create a slope difference profile between two trait...
scanSlopes - Create a slope difference profile between two traits
Identification and network inference of genetic loci associated with correlation changes in quantitative traits (called correlated trait loci, CTLs). Arends et al. (2016) <doi:10.21105/joss.00087>.