fntrmDS function

Find first term to enter forward stepwise regression that preserves model hierarchy

Find first term to enter forward stepwise regression that preserves model hierarchy

This function finds the first term to enter a hierarchical forward stepwise regression. If the term is an interaction or quadratic term, the parent main effects are also included. This function is called by ihstep.R



  • y: input - this is a data frame containing a single numeric column of response data.
  • des: input - this is a data frame containing the numeric columns of the candidate independent variables. The column names of des are of length 1. The m three-level factors always preceed the c two-level factors in the design.
  • prvm: input - this is a vector of text names of the terms in the model. This is created as the value resulting from running ihstep or fhstep.


returned vector of terms to be entered in the model at the next step.


John Lawson

  • Maintainer: John Lawson
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-09-09

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