uploadDataObject function

Upload a DataObject to a DataONE member node.

Upload a DataObject to a DataONE member node.

uploadDataObject(x, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'D1Client' uploadDataObject( x, do, replicate = as.logical(FALSE), numberReplicas = NA, preferredNodes = NA, public = as.logical(FALSE), accessRules = NA, quiet = TRUE, ... )


  • x: A D1Client instance.
  • ...: (Not yet used.)
  • do: The DataObject instance to be uploaded to DataONE.
  • replicate: A value of type "logical", if TRUE then DataONE will replicate this object to other member nodes
  • numberReplicas: A value of type "numeric", for number of supported replicas.
  • preferredNodes: A list of "character", each of which is the node identifier for a node to which a replica should be sent.
  • public: A "logical" value - if TRUE then the uploaded object will be publicly readable.
  • accessRules: Access rules of 'data.frame' that will be added to the access policy
  • quiet: A 'logical'. If TRUE (the default) then informational messages will not be printed.


id The id of the DataObject that was uploaded


## Not run: library(dataone) library(datapack) testdf <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=11:20) csvfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".csv") write.csv(testdf, csvfile, row.names=FALSE) d1c <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2") do <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1c), filename=csvfile) # Upload a single DataObject to DataONE (requires authentication) newId <- uploadDataObject(d1c, do, replicate=FALSE, preferredNodes=NA , public=TRUE) ## End(Not run)

See Also

D1Clientclass description.

  • Maintainer: Matthew B. Jones
  • License: Apache License 2.0
  • Last published: 2022-06-10