resp_vars: variable list the names of the measurement variables
study_data: data.frame the data frame that contains the measurements
label_col: variable attribute the name of the column in the metadata with labels of variables
item_level: data.frame the data frame that contains metadata attributes of study data
check_param: enum any | location | proportion. Which type of check should be conducted (if possible): a check on the location of the mean or median value of the study data, a check on proportions of categories, or either of them if the necessary metadata is available.
plot_ranges: logical Should the plot show ranges and results from the data quality checks? (default: TRUE)
flip_mode: enum default | flip | noflip | auto. Should the plot be in default orientation, flipped, not flipped or auto-flipped. Not all options are always supported. In general, this con be controlled by setting the roptions(dataquieR.flip_mode = ...). If called from dq_report, you can also pass flip_mode to all function calls or set them specifically using specific_args.
meta_data: data.frame old name for item_level
meta_data_v2: character path to workbook like metadata file, see prep_load_workbook_like_file for details. ALL LOADED DATAFRAMES WILL BE PURGED , using prep_purge_data_frame_cache, if you specify meta_data_v2.
A list with:
SummaryTable: data.frame containing data quality checks for "Unexpected location" (FLG_acc_ud_loc) and "Unexpected proportion" (FLG_acc_ud_prop) for each response variable in resp_vars.
SummaryData: a data.frame containing data quality checks for "Unexpected location" and / or "Unexpected proportion" for a report
SummaryPlotList: list of ggplot2::ggplot s for each response variable in resp_vars.
Algorithm of this implementation:
If no response variable is defined, select all variables of type float or integer in the study data.
Remove missing codes from the study data (if defined in the metadata).
Remove measurements deviating from (hard) limits defined in the metadata (if defined).
Exclude variables containing only NA or only one unique value (excluding NAs).
Perform check for "Unexpected location" if defined in the metadata (needs a LOCATION_METRIC (mean or median) and LOCATION_RANGE (range of expected values for the mean and median, respectively)).
Perform check for "Unexpected proportion" if defined in the metadata (needs PROPORTION_RANGE (range of expected values for the proportions of the categories)).