prep_add_data_frames function

Add data frames to the pre-loaded / cache data frame environment

Add data frames to the pre-loaded / cache data frame environment

These can be referred to by their names, then, wherever dataquieR expects a data.frame -- just pass a character instead. If this character is not found, dataquieR would additionally look for files with the name and for URLs. You can also refer to specific sheets of a workbook or specific object from an RData by appending a pipe symbol and its name. A second pipe symbol allows to extract certain columns from such sheets (but they will remain data frames).

prep_add_data_frames(..., data_frame_list = list())


  • ...: data frames, if passed with names, these will be the names of these tables in the data frame environment. If not, then the names in the calling environment will be used.

  • data_frame_list: a named list with data frames. Also these will be added and names will be handled as for the ...



data.frame invisible(the cache environment)

See Also



Other data-frame-cache: prep_get_data_frame(), prep_list_dataframes(), prep_load_folder_with_metadata(), prep_load_workbook_like_file(), prep_purge_data_frame_cache(), prep_remove_from_cache()

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05