prep_add_to_meta function

Support function to augment metadata during data quality reporting

Support function to augment metadata during data quality reporting

adds an annotation to static metadata

prep_add_to_meta( VAR_NAMES, DATA_TYPE, LABEL, VALUE_LABELS, item_level = "item_level", meta_data = item_level, meta_data_v2, ... )


  • VAR_NAMES: character Names of the Variables to add
  • DATA_TYPE: character Data type for the added variables
  • LABEL: character Labels for these variables
  • VALUE_LABELS: character Value labels for the values of the variables as usually pipe separated and assigned with =: 1 = male | 2 = female
  • item_level: data.frame the metadata to extend
  • meta_data: data.frame old name for item_level
  • meta_data_v2: character path to workbook like metadata file, see prep_load_workbook_like_file for details. ALL LOADED DATAFRAMES WILL BE PURGED , using prep_purge_data_frame_cache, if you specify meta_data_v2.
  • ...: Further defined variable attributes, see prep_create_meta


a data frame with amended metadata.


Add metadata e.g. of transformed/new variable This function is not yet considered stable, but we already export it, because it could help. Therefore, we have some inconsistencies in the formals still.

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05