resp_vars: variable list the variable names to fetch for
item_level: data.frame the data frame that contains metadata attributes of study data
label_col: variable attribute the name of the column in the metadata with labels of variables
max_len: integer the maximum label length to return, if not possible w/o causing ambiguous labels, the labels may still be longer
label_class: enum SHORT | LONG. which sort of label according to the metadata model should be returned
label_lang: character optional language suffix, if available in the metadata. Can be controlled by the option dataquieR.lang.
resp_vars_are_var_names_only: logical If TRUE, do not use other labels than VAR_NAMES
for finding resp_vars in meta_data
resp_vars_match_label_col_only: logical If TRUE, do not use other labels than those, referred by label_col
for finding resp_vars in meta_data
meta_data: data.frame old name for item_level
meta_data_v2: character path to workbook like metadata file, see prep_load_workbook_like_file for details. ALL LOADED DATAFRAMES WILL BE PURGED , using prep_purge_data_frame_cache, if you specify meta_data_v2.
force_label_col: enum auto | FALSE | TRUE. if TRUE, always use labels according label_col, FALSE means use labels matching best the function's requirements, auto means FALSE, if in a dq_report() and TRUE, otherwise.
character suitable labels for each resp_vars, names of this vector are VAR_NAMES
## Not run:prep_load_workbook_like_file("meta_data_v2")prep_get_labels("SEX_0", label_class ="SHORT", max_len =2)## End(Not run)