util_abbreviate_unique function

Abbreviate a vector of strings

Abbreviate a vector of strings

util_abbreviate_unique(initial, max_value_label_len)


  • initial: character vector with stuff to abbreviate
  • max_value_label_len: integer maximum length (may not strictly be met, if not possible keeping a maybe detected uniqueness of initial)


character uniquely abbreviated initial

See Also

Other string_functions: util_filter_names_by_regexps(), util_pretty_vector_string(), util_set_dQuoteString(), util_set_sQuoteString(), util_sub_string_left_from_.(), util_sub_string_right_from_.(), util_translate()

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05

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