label_col: variable attribute the name of the column in the metadata with labels of variables
check_convertible: logical also try, if a conversion to the declared data type would work.
threshold_value: numeric from=0 to=100. percentage failing conversions allowed if check_convertible
is TRUE.
return_percentages: logical return the percentage of mismatches.
check_conversion_stable: logical do not distinguish convertible from convertible, but with issues
for return_percentages == FALSE: if check_convertible is FALSE, a binary vector (0, 1) if data type applies, if check_convertible is TRUE`` a vector with the states0, 1, 2, 3: 0 = Mismatch, not convertible 1 = Match 2 = Mismatch, but convertible3 = Mismatch, convertible, but with issues (e.g., loss of decimalplaces) forreturn_percentages == TRUE`: a data frame with percentages of non-matching datatypes according, each column is a variable, the rows follow the vectors returned by util_check_data_type .