util_deparse1 function

Expression De-Parsing

Expression De-Parsing

Turn unevaluated expressions into character strings.


  • expr: any R expression.
  • collapse: a string, passed to paste()
  • width.cutoff: integer in [20, 500] determining the cutoff (in bytes) at which line-breaking is tried.
  • ...: further arguments passed to deparse().


the deparsed expression


This is a simple utility function for R < 4.0.0 to ensure a string result (character vector of length one), typically used in name construction, as util_deparse1(substitute(.)).

This avoids a dependency on backports and on R >= 4.0.0.

See Also

Other condition_functions: util_condition_constructor_factory(), util_error(), util_find_external_functions_in_stacktrace(), util_find_first_externally_called_functions_in_stacktrace(), util_find_indicator_function_in_callers(), util_message(), util_suppress_warnings(), util_warning()

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05