columnDefs: column specifications for the datatables JavaScript object
autoWidth: passed to the datatables JavaScript library
hideCols: columns to hide (by name)
rowCallback: passed to the datatables JavaScript library (with default)
copy_row_names_to_column: add a column 0 with rownames
link_variables: considering row names being variables, convert row names to links to the variable specific reports
tb_rownames: number of columns from the left considered as row-names
meta_data: the data dictionary for labels and similar stuff
rotate_headers: rotate headers by 90 degrees
fillContainer: see DT::datatable
...: passed to DT::datatable
colnames: column names for the table (defaults to colnames(tb))
descs: character descriptions of the columns for the hover-box shown for the column names, if not missing, this overrides the existing description stuff from known column names. If you have an attribute "description" of the tb, then it overwrites everything and appears as hover text
options: individually overwrites defaults in options
passed to DT::datatable
is_matrix_table: create a heat map like table without padding
colnames_aliases2acronyms: abbreviate column names considering being analysis matrix columns by their acronyms defined in square.
cols_are_indicatormetrics: logical cannot be TRUE, colnames_aliases2acronyms is TRUE. cols_are_indicatormetrics
controls, if the columns are really function calls or, if cols_are_indicatormetrics has been set to TRUE, the columns are indicator metrics.
label_col: label col used for mapping labels in case of link_variables is used (that argument set to TRUE and Variables or VAR_NAMES in meta_data)
output_format: target format RMD or HTML, for RMD, markdown will be used in the output, for HTML, only HTML code is being generated
col_tags: list if not NULL, a named list(), names are names used to name a newly created column-group hide/show button, elements are column names belonging to each column groups as defined by colnames
searchBuilder: logical if TRUE, display a searchBuilder-Button.
initial_col_tag: character col_tags entry to activate initially