util_par_pmap function

Utility function parallel version of purrr::pmap

Utility function parallel version of purrr::pmap

Parallel version of purrr::pmap.

util_par_pmap( .l, .f, ..., cores = list(mode = "socket", cpus = util_detect_cores(), logging = FALSE, load.balancing = TRUE), use_cache = FALSE )


  • .l: data.frame with one call per line and one function argument per column
  • .f: function to call with the arguments from .l
  • ...: additional, static arguments for calling .f
  • cores: number of cpu cores to use or a (named) list with arguments for parallelMap::parallelStart or NULL, if parallel has already been started by the caller.
  • use_cache: logical set to FALSE to omit re-using already distributed study- and metadata on a parallel cluster


list of results of the function calls

See Also


Stack Overflow post

Other process_functions: util_abbreviate(), util_all_is_integer(), util_attach_attr(), util_bQuote(), util_backtickQuote(), util_coord_flip(), util_extract_matches(), util_setup_rstudio_job(), util_suppress_output()



S Struckmann

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05