Interpret a REDcap
-style rule and create an expression, that represents this rule
-style rule and create an expression, that represents this ruleutil_parse_redcap_rule( rule, debug = 0, entry_pred = "REDcapPred", must_eof = FALSE )
: character REDcap
style ruledebug
: integer debug level (0 = off, 1 = log, 2 = breakpoints)entry_pred
: character for debugging reasons: The production rule used entry point for the parsermust_eof
: logical if TRUE
, expect the input to be eof
, when the parser succeeded, fail, if not.expression the interpreted rule
c("list("REDcap")", " rules 1")
c("list("REDcap")", " rules 2")
c("list("REDcap")", " rules 3")
For resolving left-recursive rules, StackOverflow
helps understanding the grammar below, just in case, theoretical computer science is not right in your mind currently.
## Not run: # rules: # pregnancies <- 9999 ~ SEX == 'm' | # pregnancies <- 9998 ~ AGE < 12 | # pregnancies = 9999 ~ dist > 2 | speed == 0 data.frame(target = "SEX_0", rule = '[speed] > 5 and [dist] > 42 or 1 = "2"', CODE = 99999, LABEL = "PREGNANCIES_NOT_ASSESSED FOR MALES", class = "JUMP") ModifyiedStudyData <- replace in SEX_0 where SEX_0 is empty, if rule fits ModifyedMetaData <- add missing codes with labels and class here subset(study_data, eval(pregnancies[[3]])) rule <- paste0('[con_consentdt] <> "" and [sda_osd1dt] <> "" and', ' datediff([con_consentdt],[sda_osd1dt],"d",true) < 0') x <- data.frame(con_consentdt = c(as.POSIXct("2020-01-01"), as.POSIXct("2020-10-20")), sda_osd1dt = c(as.POSIXct("2020-01-20"), as.POSIXct("2020-10-01"))) eval(util_parse_redcap_rule(paste0( '[con_consentdt] <> "" and [sda_osd1dt] <> "" and ', 'datediff([con_consentdt],[sda_osd1dt],"d", "Y-M-D",true) < 10')), x, util_get_redcap_rule_env()) util_parse_redcap_rule("[a] = 12 or [b] = 13") cars[eval(util_parse_redcap_rule( rule = '[speed] > 5 and [dist] > 42 or 1 = "2"'), cars, util_get_redcap_rule_env()), ] cars[eval(util_parse_redcap_rule( rule = '[speed] > 5 and [dist] > 42 or 2 = "2"'), cars, util_get_redcap_rule_env()), ] cars[eval(util_parse_redcap_rule( rule = '[speed] > 5 or [dist] > 42 and 1 = "2"'), cars, util_get_redcap_rule_env()), ] cars[eval(util_parse_redcap_rule( rule = '[speed] > 5 or [dist] > 42 and 2 = "2"'), cars, util_get_redcap_rule_env()), ] util_parse_redcap_rule(rule = '(1 = "2" or true) and (false)') eval(util_parse_redcap_rule(rule = '[dist] > sum(1, +(2, [dist] + 5), [speed]) + 3 + [dist]'), cars, util_get_redcap_rule_env()) ## End(Not run)
Other parser_functions: util_interpret_limits()
, util_parse_assignments()
, util_parse_interval()
Useful links
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