util_referred_vars function

For a group of variables (original) the function provides all original plus referred variables in the metadata and a new item_level metadata including information on the original variables and the referred variables

For a group of variables (original) the function provides all original plus referred variables in the metadata and a new item_level metadata including information on the original variables and the referred variables

util_referred_vars( resp_vars, id_vars = character(0), vars_in_subgroup = character(0), meta_data, meta_data_segment = NULL, meta_data_dataframe = NULL, meta_data_cross_item = NULL, meta_data_item_computation = NULL, strata_column = NULL )


  • resp_vars: variable list the name of the original variables.
  • id_vars: variable a vector containing the name/s of the variables containing ids
  • vars_in_subgroup: variable a vector containing the name/s of the variable/s mentioned inside the subgroup rule
  • meta_data: data.frame old name for item_level
  • meta_data_segment: data.frame -- optional: Segment level metadata
  • meta_data_dataframe: data.frame -- optional if study_data is present: Data frame level metadata
  • meta_data_cross_item: data.frame -- optional: Cross-item level metadata
  • meta_data_item_computation: data.frame -- optional: Computed items metadata
  • strata_column: variable name of a study variable used to stratify the report by and to add as referred variable


a named list containing the referred variables and a new item_level metadata including information on the original variables and the referred variables

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05