util_round_to_decimal_places function

Round number of decimal places to 3 if the values are between 0.001 and 9999.999 otherwise (if at least one value of the vector is outside this limits) use scientific notation for all the values in a vector

Round number of decimal places to 3 if the values are between 0.001 and 9999.999 otherwise (if at least one value of the vector is outside this limits) use scientific notation for all the values in a vector

util_round_to_decimal_places(x, digits = 3)


  • x: a numeric vector to be rounded
  • digits: a numeric value indicating the number of desired decimal places

See Also

Other data_management: util_assign_levlabs(), util_check_data_type(), util_check_group_levels(), util_compare_meta_with_study(), util_dichotomize(), util_fix_merge_dups(), util_merge_data_frame_list(), util_rbind(), util_remove_na_records(), util_replace_hard_limit_violations(), util_study_var2factor(), util_table_of_vct()

  • Maintainer: Stephan Struckmann
  • License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-03-05

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