'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API
Update a modeling featurelist
Update parameters for an existing project
Update the display name or note for an imported model.
Upload a compliance doc template.
Upload a data source.
Function to upload new data to a DataRobot project for predictions
Upload a prediction dataset from a data source.
Import a previously exported model for predictions.
Validate that the actuals are a dataframe and contain required columns...
Get a calendar id from a calendar object.
Validate that model belongs to class 'dataRobotModel' and includes pro...
Validate that the multiseries properties indicate a successful multise...
Ensure a parameter is valid
Checks if a partition is valid.
Get a projectId from a project object.
Validate a potential deployment model replacement.
Helper function for validating reporting period objects used by the de...
Types of variable transformations
Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed model information
Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed project informati...
This function periodically checks whether Autopilot is finished and re...
Wait for specified job to complete
Add a Eureqa solution to the list of models for the project.
Apply a schema to DataRobot objects (lists, frames)
DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic as.data.frame function
Association ID settings for a deployment.
Information on a data feature.
Return value for GetMultiSeriesProperties() and others
Return value for SetupProject() and others
Autopilot modes
Create new features by transforming the type of an existing ones.
Blend methods
Convert a blueprint chart into graphviz DOT format
Make sure the path is a reasonable URL
Accuracy metrics for classification deployments
Reformat paginated data returned from the server.
Clone a project
Compute datetime trend plots for datetime partitioned model.
Establish a connection to the DataRobot modeling engine
Construct a valid string representing a duration in accordance with IS...
Create a list describing backtest parameters
Create a calendar from an uploaded CSV.
Create compliance documentation from a model.
Create a data source.
Create a data store.
Create a list describing datetime partition parameters
Create a deployment.
Derived Features
Create a new featurelist in a DataRobot project
Create a group-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget fu...
This function allows the user to create a new featurelist in a project...
Create and validate the downloadable code for the ruleset associated w...
Create a random sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the Se...
Creates and validates a new rating table from an uploaded CSV.
Create a stratified sampling-based S3 object of class partition for th...
Create a class partition object for use in the SetTarget function repr...
Run cross validation on a model.
CV methods
Data Partition methods
Get the data path.
datarobot: 'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API
Data subset for training predictions
Datetime trend plots resolutions
Datetime trend plots statuses
Delete anomaly assessment record.
Delete a calendar
Deletes a compliance doc template.
Delete a data store.
Delete a data store.
Delete a deployment.
Delete a featurelist
Cancel a running job
Delete a specified DataRobot model
Delete a modeling featurelist
Delete a model job from the modeling queue
Delete a specified prediction dataset
Function to delete prediction explanations
Delete the prediction explanations initialization for a model.
Function to delete one predict job from the DataRobot queue
Delete a specified element from the DataRobot project list
Delete this imported model.
Deployment accuracy metrics
Deployment service health metrics
Handler for Deprecated header in API responses
Differencing method
Download a compliance doc template (in JSON format).
Download compliance documentation (in DOCX format).
Function to download and save prediction explanations rows as csv file
Download the code of DataRobot Prime model and save it to a file.
Download a rating table to a CSV.
Download scoring code JAR
Download the series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already ...
Download the time series feature derivation log as a text file.
Download training predictions on a specified data set.
Download an transferable model file for use in an on-premise DataRobot...
Make sure that the object has all of the keys specified. Also tests th...
Retrieve a feature from the creation URL
Preview the full partitioning determined by a DatetimePartitioningSpec...
Retrieve Accuracy over Time plot for a model.
Retrieve Accuracy over Time preview plot for a model.
Retrieve Accuracy over Time plots metadata for a model.
Retrieve anomaly assessment explanations.
Retrieve anomaly assessment predictions preview.
Retrieve the details of a specified blender model
Retrieve a new or updated blender model defined by modelJobId
Retrieve a blueprint
Retrieve a blueprint chart
Get documentation for tasks used in the blueprint
Retrieve a calendar
Retrieve the calendar for a particular project.
Get a compliance doc template.
Retrieve a model's confusion chart for a specified source.
Get cross validation scores
Returns information about a particular data source.
Returns information about a particular data store.
Get the schemas associated with a data store.
Get all tables associated with a data store.
Retrieve the details of a specified datetime model.
Retrieve a new or updated datetime model defined by modelJobId
Retrieve the DatetimePartitioning from a project
Get information on a particular deployment.
Retrieve accuracy statistics for a deployment.
Retrieves accuracy statistics over time on given metrics for a deploym...
Deployment Association ID
Get drift tracking settings for a deployment.
Retrieve service health statistics for a deployment.
Retrieves service health statistics over time on given metrics for a d...
Retrieves all settings for a deployed model.
Returns information about a particular driver.
Get pairwise feature association statistics for a project's informativ...
Get a sample of the actual values used to measure the association betw...
Retrieve histogram plot data for a specific feature
Get the feature impact for a model, requesting the feature impact if i...
Retrieve completed Feature Impact results given a job ID
Retrieve completed Feature Impact results given a model
Details about a feature
Retrieve a specific featurelist from a DataRobot project
Retrieve the details of a specified frozen model
Retrieve a frozen model defined by modelJobId
An internal function to help fetch insights.
Request information about a job
Retrieve lift chart data for a model for a data partition (see DataPar...
Get a report on missing values for the model.
Retrieve the details of a specified model
Retrieve a model blueprint chart
Get documentation for tasks used in the model blueprint
Get supported capabilities for a model, e.g., whether it has a word cl...
Retrieve a new or updated model defined by modelJobId
Retrieve a specific modeling featurelist from a DataRobot project
Request information about a single model job
Retrieve model parameters
Retrieve a model recommendation from DataRobot for your project.
Retrieve time series properties for a potential multiseries datetime p...
Pareto Front data for a Eureqa model
Retrieve data on a prediction dataset
Get prediction explanations
Retrieve the prediction explanations initialization for a model.
Retrieve the prediction explanations initialization for a model using ...
Retrieve metadata for specified prediction explanations
Retrieve the prediction explanations metadata for a model using jobId
Retrieve all prediction explanations rows
Retrieve all prediction explanations rows and return them as a data fr...
Retrieve model predictions
Request information about a predict job
Function to list all prediction jobs in a project
Check if model can be approximated with DataRobot Prime
Retrieve a specific Prime file from a DataRobot project
Retrieve a specific Prime file from a DataRobot project for correspond...
Retrieve information about specified DataRobot Prime model.
Retrieve information about specified DataRobot Prime model using corre...
Retrieve details about a specified DataRobot modeling project
Request Autopilot status for a specified DataRobot project
Retrieve a single rating table.
Get a rating table from the rating table job metadata.
Retrieve information about specified model with a rating table.
Retrieve a new or updated rating table model defined by a job ID.
Retrieve the model object that DataRobot recommends for your project.
Helper method to retrieve the redirect from the response headers to an...
Retrieve residuals chart data for a model for a data partition (see Da...
Retrieve ROC curve data for a model for a particular data partition (s...
List the rulesets approximating a model generated by DataRobot Prime
Get the computed series accuracy for a model, computing it if not alre...
Get the series accuracy associated with a particular model.
Handle server side pagination.
Retrieve the time series feature derivation log content
Simplify the training prediction rows into a tidy format dataframe.
Retrieve training predictions on a specified data set.
Get training predictions for a particular model.
Retrieve the training predictions for a model using a job id.
Retrieve imported model info using import id
Retrieve data on tuning parameters for a particular model.
Retrieve the valid fitting metrics for a specified project and target
Retrieve word cloud data for a model.
Request anomaly assessment insight computation on the specified subset...
Check whether individual models can be blended together
Checks if an id is a valid DataRobot ID (24 character string)
Check if a parameter is in a list of possibilities.
Job statuses
Job type
Retrieve anomaly assessment records.
Retrieve the list of available blueprints for a project
List all available calendars.
Retrieve information about all compliance doc templates.
Returns all available confusion charts for the model.
Returns a dataframe with information on available data sources.
Returns a dataframe with information on available data stores.
List all current model deployments.
Returns a dataframe with information on available drivers.
Details about all features for this project
Retrieve all featurelists associated with a project
Retrieve information about jobs
Retrieve lift chart data for a model for all available data partitions...
Returns the list of features (i.e., variables) on which a specified mo...
Retrieve all modeling featurelists associated with a project
Retrieve status of Autopilot modeling jobs that are not complete
Retrieve information about model recommendation made by DataRobot for ...
Retrieve all available model information for a DataRobot project
Retrieve all prediction datasets associated with a project
Retrieve metadata for prediction explanations in specified project
Fetch all computed predictions for a project.
List all available prediction servers.
List all downloadable code files from DataRobot Prime for the project
Retrieve information about all DataRobot Prime models for a DataRobot ...
Retrieve a list of all DataRobot projects
Retrieve information about all DataRobot models with a rating table.
Retrieve information about all rating tables.
Retrieve residuals chart data for a model for all available data parti...
Retrieve ROC curve data for a model for all available data partitions ...
List information about which users have what kinds of access to a shar...
List all the starred models in a project.
Retrieve information about all training prediction datasets in a proje...
Retrieve information about all imported models This function returns a...
Make a HTTP request
Model capabilities
Model replacement reason
Accuracy metrics for multiclass deployments
Pause the DataRobot modeling queue
Periodicity max time step
Periodicity time units
Plot method for DataRobot S3 objects of class listOfModels
PostgreSQL drivers
Retrieve model predictions using R's default S3 predict
Retrieve model predictions
Retrieve prediction dataset info from the dataset creation URL
Prime Language
Retrieve a project from the job response, which has a project-creation...
Project stage
Recommended model type values
replace NULL in $metrics list elements with NA
Accuracy metrics for regression deployments
Renames a rating table to a different name.
Reorder the columns in a data.frame
Replace a model in a deployment with another model.
Request an approximation of a model using DataRobot Prime
Submit a job for creating blender model. Upon success, the new job wil...
Format a cross series with group by columns.
Request Feature Impact to be computed.
Train a new frozen datetime model with parameters from the specified m...
Train a new frozen model with parameters from specified model
Format a multiseries.
Adds a new datetime model of the type specified by the blueprint to a ...
Adds a new model of type specified by blueprint to a DataRobot project
Create a new model from a rating table.
Request prediction explanations computation for a specified model and ...
Request prediction explanations initialization for specified model
Request predictions from a model against a previously uploaded dataset
Request training for a DataRobot Prime model using a specified ruleset
Refits an existing model to a different fraction of the training datas...
Compute the series accuracy for a model.
Request training predictions for a specific model.
Request creation of a transferable model
RFC 3339 datetime format
Run an interactive model tuning session.
Compute the scores for all available backtests.
Segment analysis attributes
Series aggregation type
Set a custom prediction threshold for binary classification models.
Set the target variable (and by default, start the DataRobot Autopilot...
Function to set up a new DataRobot project
Create a project from a data source.
Function to set up a new DataRobot project using datasource on a WebHD...
Share a shareable object with a particular user.
Sharing role
Source types
Star a model.
Starts autopilot on provided featurelist. Only one autopilot can be ru...
Start a project, set the target, and run autopilot.
Creates a waiter function that can be used in a loop while trying some...
Create a function to initiate hyperparameter tuning for a particular m...
Convert a function into a single string for DataRobot
Submit actuals for processing.
DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic summary function
Summarize the list of tuning parameters available for a model.
Target leakage report values
Target Type modes
Test the database connection to the data store.
Tidies a ServiceOverTime response object for use in a DF
Time units
Star a model if it is unstarred, otherwise unstar the model.
The DataRobot Monitoring APIs return dates formatted as RFC 3339 strin...
Treat as exponential
Checks to see if we are trying to submit NULL
as a value.
Re-start the DataRobot modeling queue
Unstar a model.
Update access to a particular object.
Update a calendar
Update the name or sections of an existing doc template.
Update a data store.
Update a data store.
Update drift tracking settings for a deployment.
Updates configuration settings for a deployed model.
Update a featurelist
For working with the 'DataRobot' predictive modeling platform's API <https://www.datarobot.com/>.