datetime_widen() sets a floor on the minimum "precision" in the datetime vector by setting any missing elements to their minimum possible value. datetime_narrow() sets a cap on the maximum "precision" by setting any more precise elements missing. datetime_cast() sets the precision exactly by calling both datetime_narrow() and datetime_widen().
datetime_narrow(x, precision,...)## S3 method for class 'datetimeoffset'datetime_narrow(x, precision,...)## S3 method for class 'clock_calendar'datetime_narrow(x, precision,...)## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'datetime_narrow( x, precision,..., method = c("floor","round","ceiling","cast"))## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'datetime_narrow( x, precision,..., method = c("floor","round","ceiling"), nonexistent ="error", ambiguous = x
)datetime_widen(x, precision,...)## S3 method for class 'datetimeoffset'datetime_widen( x, precision,..., year =0L, month =1L, day =1L, hour =0L, minute =0L, second =0L, nanosecond =0L, na_set =FALSE)## S3 method for class 'clock_calendar'datetime_widen(x, precision,...)## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'datetime_widen(x, precision,...)## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'datetime_widen(x, precision,...)datetime_cast(x, precision,...)## Default S3 method:datetime_cast(x, precision,...)
x: A datetime vector. Either datetimeoffset(), a "clock" "calendar", or a "clock" "time point".
precision: Precision to narrow/widen to. Either "missing", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", or "nanosecond".
...: Used by some methods. The default method for datetime_cast() will pass this to both datetime_narrow() and datetime_widen().
method: Depending on the class either "floor", "ceiling", "round", and/or "cast".
nonexistent: What to do when the "clock time" in the new time zone doesn't exist. See clock::as_zoned_time.clock_naive_time().
ambiguous: What to do when the "clock time" in the new time zone is ambiguous. See clock::as_zoned_time.clock_naive_time().
year: If missing what year to assume
month: If missing what month to assume
day: If missing what day to assume
hour: If missing what hour to assume
minute: If missing what minute to assume
second: If missing what second to assume
nanosecond: If missing what nanosecond to assume
na_set: If TRUE widen the "missing" datetimes as well.
A datetime vector.
dts <- as_datetimeoffset(c(NA_character_,"2020","2020-04-10","2020-04-10T10:10")) datetime_precision(dts) datetime_narrow(dts,"day") datetime_widen(dts,"day") datetime_cast(dts,"day") datetime_widen(datetimeoffset(2020L),"day", month =6, day =15)# vectorized "precision" is allowed datetime_narrow(as_datetimeoffset(Sys.time()), c("year","day","second")) datetime_widen(NA_datetimeoffset_, c("year","day","second"), na_set =TRUE) library("clock") ymd <- year_month_day(1918,11,11,11) datetime_narrow(ymd,"day") datetime_narrow(ymd,"second")# already narrower than "second" datetime_widen(ymd,"second") datetime_widen(ymd,"day")# already wider than "day"## Not run:# comparable {clock} calendar methods throw an error in certain cases clock::calendar_narrow(ymd,"second")# already narrower than "second" clock::calendar_widen(ymd,"day")# already wider than "day"## End(Not run) nt <- as_naive_time(ymd) datetime_narrow(nt,"day") datetime_narrow(nt,"second") datetime_widen(nt,"second") datetime_widen(nt,"day") datetime_cast(nt,"day")# same as clock::time_point_floor(nt, "day") datetime_cast(nt,"day", method ="cast")# same as clock::time_point_cast(nt, "day")