plot-deseats_fc-method function

Plot Method for Class "deseats_fc"

Plot Method for Class "deseats_fc"

Create basic R plots for forecasting objects of class "deseats_fc".

## S4 method for signature 'deseats_fc' plot(x, y = NULL, ...)


  • x: an object of class "deseats_fc", for example generated by a call to predict,s_semiarma-method.
  • y: currently without use; for compatibility only.
  • ...: further arguments of plot.ts to adjust for example the axis limits via xlim and ylim.


This method returns NULL.


This is a plot method to visualize the forecasting results for a Seasonal Semi-ARMA model. Common plot arguments can be implemented to change the appearance.


est <- s_semiarma(log(EXPENDITURES)) fc <- predict(est, n.ahead = 4) fc_e <- expo(fc) plot(fc_e)


  • Dominik Schulz (Research Assistant) (Department of Economics, Paderborn University),

    Author and Package Creator

  • Maintainer: Dominik Schulz
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-07-12

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