seasonplot function

Creation of Seasonal Plots

Creation of Seasonal Plots

Simplified seasonal plot creation of time series in order to identify seasonal patterns more easily.

seasonplot( x, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, labels = TRUE, colorpalette = NULL, rm_xticks = FALSE )


  • x: a time series object of class "ts".
  • xlab: a label for the plot's x-axis.
  • ylab: a label for the plot's y-axis.
  • main: a title for the plot.
  • labels: whether or not to show tick labels.
  • colorpalette: a color palette (either a numeric or character vector) that gives an alternative color palette to use for the subseries.
  • rm_xticks: whether to remove x-axis ticks and tick labels; the default is FALSE.


The function does not return anything, however a plot is created in the plot window.


The function creates a seasonal plot of the provided time series object. The series is split into different subseries, each reflecting one season, and then these subseries are plotted together. This helps identifying possible seasonal patterns in the data.


seasonplot(TEMPERATURE, xlab = "Degrees Celsius", main = "Seasonal plot of German temperature data")
  • Maintainer: Dominik Schulz
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-07-12

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