CML and Bayesian Calibration of Multistage Tests
Add item properties to an dextermst project
Add person properties to a mst project
Add multistage response data
add scoring rules to an mst project
alter scoring rules in an mst project
Close an mst project
create a new (empty) mst project
Define a new multi stage test
Plot the routing design of mst tests
DexterMST: CML calibration and data management for multi stage tests
Exploratory test for Differential Item Functioning
Fit the extended nominal response model on MST data
Fit the interaction model on a single multi-stage booklet
retrieve information from a mst database
Extract response data from a dexterMST database
import data from a dexter project
Define routing rules
open an existing mst project
plot method for DIF_mst
plots for the interaction model
Profile analysis
Objects exported from other packages
Simulate multistage testing data
Conditional Maximum Likelihood Calibration and data management of multistage tests. Supports polytomous items and incomplete designs with linear as well as multistage tests. Extended Nominal Response and Interaction models, DIF and profile analysis. See Robert J. Zwitser and Gunter Maris (2015)<doi:10.1007/s11336-013-9369-6>.
Useful links