Meta-Analysis of Phase I Dose-Finding Early Clinical Trials
Meta-Analysis of Phase I Dose-Finding Early Phases Clinical Trials.
Random Effect Analysis
The first or the last occurence of a unique value.
The logistic regression mixed effect model.
Executing the random effect model-based algorithm (REMB).
The graphical representation of dose-toxicity curve.
An S4 class to represent the results using the random effect model-bas...
S4 Methods for Function show
The variance weighted (VarWT) pooling approach.
An S4 class to represent the results using the ZKO algorithm.
Meta-analysis approach based on Zohar et al, 2011.
Meta-analysis approaches for Phase I dose finding early phases clinical trials in order to better suit requirements in terms of maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and maximal dose regimen (MDR). This package has currently three different approaches: (a) an approach proposed by Zohar et al, 2011, <doi:10.1002/sim.4121> (denoted as ZKO), (b) the Variance Weighted pooling analysis (called VarWT) and (c) the Random Effects Model Based (REMB) algorithm, where user can input his/her own model based approach or use the existing random effect logistic regression model (named as glimem) through the 'dfmeta' package.
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